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Soothe My Soul Blog




Why all the Water?

June 16, 2022

Why do I need to drink so much water?

Every time you get a Massage or Bowen Therapy treatment, Alice probably goes on a rant about drinking water.  What's all that about? "I drink heaps!"  So most people think... I bet you already know that the body is around 60% water, and that after a Massage or Bowe...
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Kindness begins within

September 1, 2021

Kindness Matters

We hear a lot about kindness lately.  After the rug was whisked out from under our feet shaking our foundations without warning, our leader urged us to be kind. This intrigued me, in a time when most people focus on rules, or themselves and their family, she asked us to...
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August 10, 2021

Stress and Simplicity

I'm seeing a lot of people in my clinic showing stress, all in different ways. Some of us show it physically, with aches and pains. Other's natural defence is to go into hyper-busy so they don't need to sit with their emotions. Some freeze, and can't speak or move....
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